1. Erasmus Plus, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership in Adult Education project called IN-ICT-CARE, where we produced ICT tools and conducted research in IT-Health Science. 

Started: 2019, January

Ended : 2021, December

Partners.  Italy, Spain, Turkey and Austria

2. Erasmus Plus, KA210, Adult Education, project called CYBERSME, funded by Finnish NA. 

Started: 2022, January

Ended: 2023, September

Partners: Finland, Estonia and Turkey

The project webpage: www.eucybersme.com where you can find and download our project outputs. 

3. Erasmus Plus, KA220, Youth Education, project called CYBERYOUTH, Non-formal education for cyber-security training & resilience of youth
organisations and young people funded by Italian NA. 

Started: 2022

Ended:2024 (February)

Partners: Italy, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Turkey, Estonia and Spain

The project webpage: www.cyberyouthproject.com where you can find many interesting materials and resources as free and downloable. 

https://www.facebook.com/CyberYouthProject (Projemiz FB hesabı)

4. Erasmus Plus, KA210, Development of Methodological Guidelines for VET High Schools to Create an Internship Program in Cybersecurity’’ with acronym CYBER-VET-INTERN, supported by The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education, under the project category of KA210-VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training. 


Started: 2023

Ended: 2024 March

Partners: Norway, Estonia and Turkey

The project webpage and outputs are at:  https://cyber-security-webpage.onrender.com/index.html